


Navy Seal

USS Glacier AGB-4 Association

Members Personal Web site Information

Alternative Internet Designs, the designer and builder of this Web site, with the support and approval of the USS Glacier AGB-4 Association's President, is please to offer the Association's Members the opportunity of telling their shipmates about their lives in the form of a Personal Web site. An example of exactly what your Web site will look like–with different  words and pictures, of course–can be seen here.

What we'll do is create a first page, format the text you provide in an acceptable manner, verifying spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. We scan, enhance (if necessary), and create thumbnails (the smaller sized pictures you saw in the example site) up to 3 photos. We will also create 5 additional pages for your site to display larger versions of all photos so that people can take a good look at them.

In addition, if there is a new arrival, say a new Great Grandson or Granddaughter, we will create a new page so that you can show them to the world, adding the appropriate text and a link to the new page on the first page of your site.  This new page will show the larger version of the photo, not a thumbnail.

The total price for the above is $100 and is good through the life of the agreement between Alternative Internet Designs and the USS Glacier AGB-4 Association (currently due to expire September 30, 2008). The price includes hosting of the site and there will never be additional charges for the maintenance of your Personal Web site as long as the Association extends its agreement with Alternative Internet Designs.

All payments shall be made to the USS Glacier AGB-4 Association. Payment terms are cash-in-full at the time of commission; the Association shall then make payment to Alternative Internet Designs upon the publication of your site.

To obtain additional information, please contact the USS Glacier AGB-4 Association President or the Association's Webmaster.

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USS Glacier AGB-4 Association
4120 Pepperwood Trail
Minnetonka, MN 55305
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